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Mozilla Thunderbird is installed on all of the DECS Public Lab Windows machines.

If this is the first time Thunderbird has been run:

  1. Launch Mozilla Thunderbird: Start > All Programs > Mozilla Thunderbird.
  2. A box appears with list of options, leave "Email" and "Always perform this check..." checked if you want Thunderbird to be your default mail client. Click OK

    Default App Settings
  3. Fill-in the form with your name, full email address and password. Click Continue.
  4. Thunderbird should work out the details of the account.  When finished click Create Account

    Creating Account Thunderbird

    --If configuration of the account fails, see below for troubleshooting tips.


If you want to add a new or additional email account to Thunderbird:

  1. Launch Mozilla Thunderbird: Start > All Programs > Mozilla Thunderbird.
  2. Go to Tools > Account Settings.
  3. In "Account Settings" click on Account Actions > Add Mail Account.

    Add Mail Account Thunderbird
  4. Fill-in the form with your name, full email address and password. Click Continue.
  5. Thunderbird should work out the details of the account.  When finished click Create Account

    Add Mail Account Thunderbird

    --If configuration of the account fails, see below for troubleshooting tips.

If the auto-configuration of Thunderbird fails:

**NOTE** These specific configuration settings are for addresses only.


1) In "Account Settings" click on Add Account.

Thunderbird Add Account


  1. Fill-in the information on the form and click Manual Config.

    .Thunderbird Account Info
  2. Choose IMAP for the incoming server and in both the "Incoming Server" and "Outgoing Server" text boxes enter

    Thunderbird Advanced Account Setup
  3. For Port Numbers, Incoming should be set to 993 and Outgoing to 587.

    Thunderbird Advanced Account Setup
  4. SSL should be set to SSL/TLS for Incoming connections, and STARTTLS for Outgoing.

    Thunderbird Advanced Account Settings
  5. Both Incoming and Outgoing connections are authenticated with Normal Password.

    Thunderbird Advanced Account Settings
  6. Enter your engineering username.

    Thunderbird Advanced Account Settings
  7. Click Finish.

2) Next, go to Account Settings in the Tools menu. Click on Server Settings under the account, then select the SSL radio button in the Security Settings box and check Clean up (Expunge) Inbox on Exit in the Server Settings box.

Screenshot of the Server Settings options

3) In Account Settings click on Outgoing Server then select your engineering account and then click Edit. Select TLS and Use name and password. Then change the Port: field from 25 to 587. For the User Name type in your EGR username (enter only your username WITHOUT "") and then click OK.

Screenshot of SMTP Server window

Additional Configuration

Folder Subscriptions
  1. From within Mozilla Thunderbird, click File then Subscribe...

    Screenshot of the "Subscribe" option
  2. Choose the folder that you want to subscribe to (e.g. Spam) and click Subscribe or check the box next to the folder.

    Screenshot of the folder list
  3. Click Ok.