College of Engineering |


When engineering accounts are created, each user is allotted 10 GB of disk quota. Please be aware of your disk quota since you may not be able to save files and may find instances where your files were corrupted if you near or pass the quota limit.

See below for tips on managing your disk quota.

Check Disk Quota Using the Website

Go to the My Account page and enter your username and password. Once logged in, your account details will be displayed--including your disk quota.

Check Disk Quota Using Windows

Use WinDirStat. Right clicking on your M:\ drive and clicking properties will NOT give the correct information.

Check Disk Usage and Remove Files

With Windows

Use WinDirStat

With UNIX or Linux

Type du -h --max-depth=1 at a UNIX prompt in your home directory.
The output will look something like this:

<1 [jelneckt@chavez]:~ >du -h --max-depth=1
20k ./Desktop
12k ./.acrobat
204k ./.adobe
8.0k ./.ansys
28k ./.dia
64k ./.dt

The number to the left of the directory shows how much space the files within the directory are taking up. Here you can find out where the majority of your quota is being utilized. From this point, you can type cd <directory name> into individual directories and eliminate unneeded files. The du -h --max-depth=1 command can also be run in the directories.

Look for saved files that take up a large amount of space. If you no longer need these files, delete them using the rm command. DO NOT delete files in which you do not recognize, or in which you do not know their purpose. Deletion of system files can be detrimental to your account.