The Microsoft Visual Studio development system is a suite of development tools designed to aid software developers--whether novices or seasoned professionals--cope with complex challenges, and create innovative solutions. Visual Studios can be used to improve the development process as well as make achieving breakthroughs easier and more satisfying.
Getting Started
After you launch Visual Studio the first time and click through the initial menu, you will need to use the following steps to open projects. Open Visual Studio> Find Start > Select New Project. You will be able to select several different languages (C++, C#, Visual Basic, etc).
Microsoft Visual Basic
- Microsoft has additional product information on their website.
- Visual Basic also has a built-in help library in case you need assistance with coding. Click Help under the menu bar and select Index; a window will pop up. From there, you can search for a particular item that you need.
Microsoft Visual C#
- Microsoft has additional product information on their website.
- Visual C# also has a built-in help library in case you need assistance with coding. Click Help under the menu bar and select Index; a window will pop up. From there, you can search for a particular item that you need.
Microsoft Visual C++
- Microsoft has additional product information on their website.
- Visual C++ also has a built-in help library in case you need assistance with coding. Click on Help under menu bar and select Index; a window will pop up. From there, you can search for a particular item that you need.