College of Engineering |


DECS has found 2 different free software that allow for virtualization on Mac. VMware Fusion Player and VirtualBox. We have found VMware Fusion to be the easier of the two products to install, but does require that you create an account in order to download it. VirtualBox does not require this, but may require more work to install. Please make sure that your system is fully updated before trying to install either of these applications. We can not guarantee compatibility with older versions of OSX. 

VMware Fusion Player:


Windows 10 ISO can be downloaded from our Azure program here:

You will also need 50 GBs of free space on your computer before installing Windows on the virtual machine. Installing with less space then this may cause errors while using the VM.

Installing VirtualBox

  1. Run the Virtualbox Installer from your downloads and then double click on the VirtualBox.pkg icon to begin the installation process. You should also open the Security & Privacy menu.

  1. Continue through the installer. You should receive a prompt to allow Oracle to install this software in your Security & Privacy settings, as seen below.

  1. If the installation finished without error then you can launch the software and begin creating your virtual machine. If you received the below error then please continue to step 4.

  1. Reboot your computer to Recovery mode. To do this you will need to hold CMD+R while the computer is booting until you see the apple logo. It should look like the below image.

  1. Select “Utilities” from the banner menu and then open a terminal window. In the terminal window enter the following: spctl kext-consent add VB5E2TV963
  2. Reboot the computer and launch VirtualBox.