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This fall 2 students from the EMRG had papers accepted and presented their work at international conferences.
Dr. Prem Chahal is selected as one of the North American finalists for the Manufacturing Leaders Award for 2017, congrats!
This fall group member Dr. Edward Rothwell has been named the inaugural Dennis P. Nyquist Endowed professor in Electromagnetics, one of the most prestigious appointments of the College of Engineering.
Group alumni Amanpreet Kaur joins the Midland Research Institute for Value Chain Creation (MRIVCC) to lead research on the role materials, sensors and circuits play in smart packaging.
Group faculty member Shanker Balasubramaniam receives one of the highest faculty honors at Michigan State, University Distinguished Professor recognition.
A team from the EMRG comprised of undergraduate students John Doroshewitz and Ethan Gros, graduate students Sean Ellison and Vincens Gjokaj, and advised by faculty member Dr. Jeffrey Nanzer has been selected as one of six final teams for the 2017 IEEE AP-S Student Design Contest. Congrats!
Six student from the EMRG attended and presented research at the 67th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort in Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA during May 30 - June 2, 2017.
Jeffrey Nanzer, the Dennis P. Nyquist assistant professor in Michigan State University’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is the recipient of a prestigious 2017 Young Faculty Award (YFA) from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Ten EMRG student's presented and judged posters at the 2017 MSU Engineering Graduate Research Symposium at the Breslin Center. Additionally, at the Symposium's Award ceremony group member Jie Li was awarded the Outstanding Graduate Student Award for the ECE department and Michael Craton was awarded first place in the MSUFCU Research Translation Award.
At this year's Graduate Research Symposium, EMRG's Michael Craton was awarded first place for the MSUFCU Research Translation Award.
