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Free-field Radar Scattering Range and Satimo StarLab

Free-field Radar Scattering Range (Left) and Satimo StarLab Antenna Measurement System (Right)

 Radio Frequency (RF) & Microwave

  • Satimo StarLab 18 near-field Antenna Measurement System (800 MHz - 18 GHz)
  • 24' Free-field Radar Scattering Range
  • Agilent Technologoes ENA Series Network Analyzer E5071C (300 kHz - 20 GHz)
  • Hewlett Packard Digitizing Oscilloscope 54750A
  • Hewlett Packard Network Analyzer 8510C
  • Hewlett Packard S-Parameter Test Set 8517B (45 MHz - 50 GHz)
  • Agilent Technologies PNA Network Analyzer N5227A (10 MHz - 67 GHz)
  • Agilent Technologies PNA Series Network Analyzer E8362B (10 MHz - 20 GHz)
  • Agilent Technologies ENA Series Network Analyzer E5070B (300 kHz - 3 GHz)
  • 2 Hewlett Packard 8350B Sweep Oscillator, one with 83550A RF Plug-In (8 - 20 GHz) and the other with 83592A RF Plug-In (0.01 - 20 GHz)
  • Hewlett Packard 8673D Synthesized Signal Generator (0.05 - 26 GHz)
  • Hewlett Packard 8562A Spectrum Analyzer (9 kHz - 22 GHz)
  • Keysight PNA Network Analyzer N5227A (10 MHz - 67 GHz)

thz lab space

Panoramic Photo of the Terahertz Systems Laboratory

Millimeter wave & Terahertz (THz)

  • Emcore THz Frequency Domain Spectrometer (PB7200): [Manual]
  • Micro-Now Instrument BWO Head Model 728 and Model 705B Millimeter Wave Sweeper/Power Supply (75 - 110 GHz)
  • Frequency Multipler Attachments from Virginia Diodes INC. to the Keysight PNA Network Analyzer N5227A which extend the frequency range to 75 - 110 GHz
  • Picometrix T-ray 2000 Time Domain THz System


  • Access to the Electrical and Computer Engineering Research Cleanroom
  • Access to the Mechincal Engineering Machine Shop
  • Access to the ECE Shop where a variety of equipment is available and, more importantly, two very valuable technicians, Brian Wright and Gregg Mulder, who can assist you with your projects and using the available tools
  • Access to a variety of 3D printing technologies through the ECE shop and DECS (links to their 3D printing services specifically) including MakerBot Replicator 2s, a LeapFrog Creatr HS, a FormLabs Form 2, and an Objet Connex350

probe station, PNAs, emcore

MP80 Micropositioner Probing Station (Left), Emcore THz Frequency Domain System (Right Top), Agilent PNAs (Right Middle & Bottom)


  • Nikon Measurescope UM-2
  • Agilent 6 1/2 Digit Multimeter 34401A
  • Agilent DC Power Supply E3611A
  • Hewlett Packard DC Power Supply E3610A
  • Keithley 181 Nanovoltmeter
  • CL-1000 Ultraviolet Crosslinker
  • Precision Vacuum Oven Model 29 (Temperature Range: 35 - 200 C)
  • Adler Machine Tech Corp Injection Molding Machine
  • Parker Positioning System Daedal Division Model CR4945 controlled by an AT6400
  • AFG 5101 Programmable Arbitrary Function Generator
  • A-Zoom 2 Probing Station
  • MP80 Micropositioner Probing Station