Access to MSU's High Performance Computing Center (HPCC)
Here you can find additional documentation by alumni Andrew Temme about running ANSYS HFSS on the HPCC
Here is a link to the official documentation and user manual for using the HPCC
PC Network for lab members with full support and backup provided by DECS
Advanced Design System (ADS) and Sonnet software available through the ECE Shop and Ansys HFSS software available though the ECE shop and the HPCC
Free-field Radar Scattering Range (Left) and Satimo StarLab Antenna Measurement System (Right)
Radio Frequency (RF) & Microwave
Satimo StarLab 18 near-field Antenna Measurement System (800 MHz - 18 GHz)
24' Free-field Radar Scattering Range
Agilent Technologoes ENA Series Network Analyzer E5071C (300 kHz - 20 GHz)
Hewlett Packard Digitizing Oscilloscope 54750A
Hewlett Packard Network Analyzer 8510C
Hewlett Packard S-Parameter Test Set 8517B (45 MHz - 50 GHz)
Agilent Technologies PNA Network Analyzer N5227A (10 MHz - 67 GHz)
Agilent Technologies PNA Series Network Analyzer E8362B (10 MHz - 20 GHz)
Agilent Technologies ENA Series Network Analyzer E5070B (300 kHz - 3 GHz)
2 Hewlett Packard 8350B Sweep Oscillator, one with 83550A RF Plug-In (8 - 20 GHz) and the other with 83592A RF Plug-In (0.01 - 20 GHz)
Hewlett Packard 8673D Synthesized Signal Generator (0.05 - 26 GHz)
Hewlett Packard 8562A Spectrum Analyzer (9 kHz - 22 GHz)
Keysight PNA Network Analyzer N5227A (10 MHz - 67 GHz)
Panoramic Photo of the Terahertz Systems Laboratory
Millimeter wave & Terahertz (THz)
Emcore THz Frequency Domain Spectrometer (PB7200): [Manual]
Micro-Now Instrument BWO Head Model 728 and Model 705B Millimeter Wave Sweeper/Power Supply (75 - 110 GHz)
Frequency Multipler Attachments from Virginia Diodes INC. to the Keysight PNA Network Analyzer N5227A which extend the frequency range to 75 - 110 GHz
Picometrix T-ray 2000 Time Domain THz System
Access to the Electrical and Computer Engineering Research Cleanroom
Access to the Mechincal Engineering Machine Shop
Access to the ECE Shop where a variety of equipment is available and, more importantly, two very valuable technicians, Brian Wright and Gregg Mulder, who can assist you with your projects and using the available tools
Access to a variety of 3D printing technologies through the ECE shop and DECS (links to their 3D printing services specifically) including MakerBot Replicator 2s, a LeapFrog Creatr HS, a FormLabs Form 2, and an Objet Connex350
MP80 Micropositioner Probing Station (Left), Emcore THz Frequency Domain System (Right Top), Agilent PNAs (Right Middle & Bottom)
Nikon Measurescope UM-2
Agilent 6 1/2 Digit Multimeter 34401A
Agilent DC Power Supply E3611A
Hewlett Packard DC Power Supply E3610A
Keithley 181 Nanovoltmeter
CL-1000 Ultraviolet Crosslinker
Precision Vacuum Oven Model 29 (Temperature Range: 35 - 200 C)
Adler Machine Tech Corp Injection Molding Machine
Parker Positioning System Daedal Division Model CR4945 controlled by an AT6400
AFG 5101 Programmable Arbitrary Function Generator
A-Zoom 2 Probing Station
MP80 Micropositioner Probing Station