College of Engineering |

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Please enter the applicable Engineering department or major.
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Please provide the purpose of the print, e.g. course number (ME481, ECE480, etc.) or research (include faculty adviser name).

Jobs without a proper course number or research faculty name may be treated as a lower priority.

Requesting a specific color may delay your job based on color availability.
To ensure that your part is scaled correctly, please provide an estimated part size--this does not need to be exact. Max dimension 7.5" x 7.5" x 7.5"
E.G. infill percentage, no supports, etc.
Attach your part file.  This must be in .STL format.
Upload requirements
Attach your part file. This must be in .STL format.
Upload requirements
Attach your part file.  This must be in .STL format.
Upload requirements
Attach your part file.  This must be in .STL format.
Upload requirements
Attach your part file.  This must be in .STL format.
Upload requirements
Attach your part file.  This must be in .STL format.
Upload requirements