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The Computational Ecohydrology Group is comprised of three labs, the Decision Support and Informatics (DSI) Lab, the Environmental Modeling (EM) Lab, and the Sustainable Ecosystem Modeling (SEM) Lab. Computational Ecohydrology - C-ECOEach of these labs has a unique field of focus for which solutions to socio-environmental issues are developed and evaluated. The DSI focuses on the analysis and visualization of data to aid decision making. The EM focuses on the use of watershed models to evaluate freshwater resources to insure continued sustainability. The SEM focuses on the use of modeling techniques to evaluate the sustainability of agricultural, dairy and bioenergy production systems. The results of each lab provide evidence-based solutions to decision makers, which allows for accurate and cost effective implementation of mitigation techniques.

Group Contact Information

Farrall Agriculture Engineering Hall
524 S. Shaw Lane, Room 225
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1323