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Found 61 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
J. R. Sabbaghian, Zarghami, M., Nejadhashemi, A. P., Sharifi, M. B., Herman, M. R., and Daneshvar, F., Application of risk-based multiple criteria decision analysis for selection of the best agricultural scenario for effective watershed management, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 168, pp. 260–272, 2016.
Y. A. Hamaamin, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Zhang, Z., Giri, S., and Woznicki, S. A., Bayesian Regression and Neuro-Fuzzy Methods Assessment for Estimating Streamflow, Water, 8(287): 1-15., 2016.
E. Esfahanian, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Abouali, M., Daneshvar, F., A. Renani, A., Herman, M. R., and Tang, Y., Defining Drought in the Context of Stream Health, Ecological Engineering, 94: 668-681., 2016.
S. A. Woznicki, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Abouali, M., Herman, M. R., Esfahanian, E., Hamaamin, Y. A., and Zhang, Z., Ecohydrological modeling for large-scale environmental impact assessment, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 543, pp. 274–286, 2016.
F. Daneshvar, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Zhang, Z., Herman, M. R., Shortridge, A., and Marquart-Pyatt, S., Evaluating stream health based environmental justice model performance at different spatial scales, Journal of Hydrology, 538, 500-514, 2016.
U. Adhikari and Nejadhashemi, A. P., Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in Malawi, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001436 , 05016026., 2016.
S. A. Woznicki, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Tang, Y., and Wang, L., Large-scale climate change vulnerability assessment of stream health, Ecological Indicators, 69, 578-594., 2016.
A. Abouali, Daneshvar, F., and Nejadhashemi, A. P., MATLAB Hydrological Index Tool (MHIT): A High Performance library to Calculate 171 Ecologically Relevant Hydrological Indices, Ecological Informatics, 33, 17-23., 2016.
U. Adhikari, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Herman, M. G., and Messina, J. P., Multiscale Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in Tanzania, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001467, 05016034., 2016.
M. R. Herman, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Daneshvar, F., Abouali, M., Ross, D. M., Woznicki, S. A., and Zhang, Z., Optimization of Bioenergy Crop Selection and Placement Based on a Stream Health Indicator Using an Evolutionary Algorithm, Journal of Environmental Management, 181:413-424., 2016.
S. Giri, Nejadhashemi, A. P., and Woznicki, S., Regulators’ and Stakeholders’ Perspectives in a Framework for Bioenergy Development, Land Use Policy, 59: 143-153, 2016.
U. Adhikari, Nejadhashemi, A. P., and Herman, M. R., A Review of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in East Africa, Transactions of the ASABE, 59(1): 1-15., 2016.
D. Ross, DePottey, A., Nejadhashemi, A. P., and Esfahanian, A., Spatial Visualization - Heat Map, 2016. .
A. Abouali, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Daneshvar, F., and Woznicki, S. A., Two-phase approach to improve stream health modeling, Ecological Informatics, vol. 34, pp. 13-21, 2016.
E. Martinez-Martinez, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Woznicki, S. A., Adhikari, U., and Giri, S., Assessing the significance of wetland restoration scenarios on sediment mitigation plan, Ecological Engineering, vol. 77, pp. 103–113, 2015.
U. Adhikari, Nejadhashemi, A. P., and Woznicki, S. A., Climate Change and Eastern Africa: A Review of Impact on Major Crops, Food and Energy Security, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 110-132, 2015.
S. A. Woznicki, Nejadhashemi, A. P., and Parsinejad, M., Climate change and irrigation demand: Uncertainty and adaptation, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, vol. 3, pp. 247–264, 2015.
S. A. Woznicki, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Ross, D. M., Zhang, Z., Wang, L., and Esfahanian, A., Ecohydrological Model Parameter Selection for Stream Health Evaluation, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 511, pp. 341-353, 2015.
S. Giri, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Zhang, Z., and Woznicki, S., Integrating Statistical and Hydrological Models to Identify Implementation Sites for Agricultural Conservation Practices, Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 72, pp. 327-340, 2015.
G. M. Sanchez, A. Nejadhashemi, P., Zhang, Z., Marquart-Pyatt, S., Habron, G., and Shortridge, A., Linking watershed-scale stream health and socioeconomic indicators with spatial clustering and structural equation modeling, Environmental Modelling and Software, vol. 70, pp. 113–127, 2015.
M. R. Herman, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Daneshvar, F., Ross, D. M., Woznicki, S. A., Zhang, Z., and Esfahanian, A., Optimization of Conservation Practice Implementation Strategies in the Context of Stream Health, Ecological Engineering, vol. 84, pp. 1-12, 2015.
M. R. Herman and Nejadhashemi, A. P., A Review of Macroinvertebrate- and Fish-based Stream Health Indices, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 53-67, 2015.
S. Giri, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Woznicki, S., and Zhang, Z., Analysis of Best Management Practice Effectiveness and Spatiotemporal Variability Based on Different Targeting Strategies, Hydrological Process, vol. 28, pp. 431-455, 2014.
S. Giri and Nejadhashemi, A. P., Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process for Effective Selection of Agricultural Best Management Practices, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 132, pp. 165-177, 2014.
S. A. Woznicki and Nejadhashemi, A. P., Assessing Uncertainty in Best Management Practice Effectiveness under Future Climate Scenarios, Hydrological Processes, vol. 28, pp. 2550-2566, 2014.
G. Sanchez, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Zhang, Z., Woznicki, S. A., Habron, G., Marquart-Pyatt, S., and Shortridge, A., Development of a Socio-ecological Environmental Justice Model for Watershed-based Management, Journal of Hydrology, vol. 518, pp. 162-177, 2014.
C. M. Smith, Williams, J. R., Nejadhashemi, A. P., Woznicki, S. A., and Leatherman, J. C., An Economic Analysis of Cropland Management Strategies for Reducing Sedimentation of a Reservoir, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, vol. 46(4), pp. 509-526, 2014.
Y. A. Hamaamin, Adhikari, U., Nejadhashemi, A. P., Harrigan, T., and Reinhold, D. M., Modeling Escherichia coli Removal in Constructed Wetlands under Pulse Loading, Water Research, vol. 50, pp. 441-454, 2014.
E. Martinez-Martinez, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Woznicki, S. A., and Love, B. J., Modeling the Hydrological Significant of Wetland Restoration Scenarios, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 133, pp. 121-134, 2014.
J. Messina, Adhikari, U., Carroll, J., Chikowo, R., DeVisser, M., Dodge, L., Fan, P., Langley, S., Lin, S., Me-nsope, N., Moore, N., Murray, S., Nawyn, S., Nejadhashemi, A., Olson, J., Smith, A., and Snapp, S., Population Growth, Climate Change and Pressure on the Land – Eastern and Southern Africa. 2014.
D. Ross, Adhikari, U., Nejadhashemi, A. P., and Esfahanian, A., Spatial Visualization - African Aid, 2014. [Online]. Available:
Y. A. Hamaamin, Nejadhashemi, A. P., and Einheuser, M. D., Application of Fuzzy Logic Techniques in Estimating the Regional Index Flow for Michigan, Transactions of the ASABE, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 103-115, 2013.
C. Smith, Williams, J., Nejadhashemi, A. P., Woznicki, S. A., and Leatherman, J. C., Cropland Management versus Dredging: An Economic Analysis of Reservoir Sediment Management, Lake and Reservoir Management, vol. 29, pp. 151-164, 2013.
A. R. Sommerlot, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Woznicki, S. A., Giri, S., and Prohaska, M. D., Evaluating the Capabilities of Watershed-Scale Models in Estimating Sediment Yield at Field-Scale, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 127, pp. 228-236, 2013.
A. R. Sommerlot, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Woznicki, S. A., and Prohaska, M. D., Evaluating the Impact of Field-scale Management Strategies at the Watershed Outlet, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 128, pp. 735-748, 2013.
I. Mutenyo, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Woznicki, S. A., and Giri, S., Evaluation of SWAT Performance on a Mountainous Watershed in Tropical Africa, Hydrology: Current Research, vol. 14, 2013.
M. Einheuser, Nejadhashemi, A. P., Wang, L., Sowa, S. P., and Woznicki, S., Linking Biological Integrity and Watershed Models to Assess the Impacts of Historical Land Use and Climate Changes on Stream Health, Environmental Management, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 1147-1163, 2013.
M. Parsinejad, BemaniYazdi, A., Araghinejad, S., Nejadhashemi, A. P., and M. Tabrizi, S., Optimal Water Allocation in Irrigation Networks Based on Real Time Climatic Data, Agricultural Water Management, vol. 117, pp. 1-8, 2013.
S. A. Woznicki and Nejadhashemi, A. P., Spatial and Temporal Variabilities of Sediment Delivery Ratio, Water Resources Management, vol. 27, pp. 2483-2499, 2013.
M. Einheuser, Nejadhashemi, A. P., and Woznicki, S. A., Stream Health Sensitivity to Landscape Changes due to Bioenergy Crops Expansion, Biomass & Bioenergy, vol. 58, pp. 198-209, 2013.
R. Nussbaum, Nejadhashemi, A. P., and Esfahanian, A., Time Series Analysis – FAOSTAT Indicators, 2013. [Online]. Available:
R. Nussbaum, Nejadhashemi, A. P., and Esfahanian, A., Time Series Analysis - World Development Indicators, 2013. [Online]. Available:
