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Abe Yue Huang

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Abe Yue Huang

Engineering Building 428 S. Shaw Lane, Room 2120 East Lansing, MI 48824

Ph.D., E.E., Michigan State University, 2011
M.S. E.E., Michigan State University, 2008
B.S., Transportation Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China, 1996
Dr. Yue Huang’s research interest in NDEL is applying micro/nano technology in materials characterization and nondestructive evaluation. Dr. Huang’s previous experiences include circuits and systems, micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), electrochemical sensors, biomedical microsystems, lab-on-CMOS integration. Prior to joining NDEL, Dr. Huang served as CTO of LabSys and was a collaborator of NDEL. Currently, he is working on eddy current testing using magnetoresistive sensor arrays. He served as a panel reviewer for NIH and USDA, and is a frequent reviewer for IEEE Sensors, Sensors and Actuators, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement Journal, Lab-on-a-Chip, and BioNanoScience journals.