Welcome to the web page of Nondestructive Evaluation Laboratory at Michigan State University. The NDE research group, one of the largest and most active in the country, has a long and sustained record of being at the forefront in developing novel electromagnetic and acoustic NDE technologies for both the defense and civilian sectors.
The Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) laboratory focuses on design and development of sensors and systems for monitoring and evaluating structural integrity of parts and components. The purpose of the examination may be to detect internal or external flaws, to measure thickness, to determine material structure or composition, or to measure or detect any of the test specimen's properties. The test method may be a simple visual one, or it may involve more sophisticated methods employing either electromagnetic, acoustic, thermal or radiography techniques.
The Nondestructive Evaluation Laboratory (formerly the Materials Assessment Research Group) has been actively engaged in the development of forward and inverse solutions, new sensors and instrumentation. Major contributions include:
- Innovations in traditional NDE methods including electromagnetic (magnetostatic, eddy-current and microwave) and ultrasonic methods.
- Development of new methods including remote field eddy current method for plate geometries, motion induced remote field eddy current method and rotating magnetic field methods for pipeline inspection.
- Computational methods for simulating underlying physics of NDE methods
- Building new signal processing and neural network tools for automatic interpretation of NDE signals.
- Development of tools for estimating the probability of detection, optimal sensor design, and determining ideal test conditions.
- Development of single frequency and multi-frequency eddy current instruments, high frequency acoustic microscopes.
- Wireless sensor networks for structrural health monitoring
The laboratory supports about 20 graduate students. The group hosts a number of international visitors each year, the visits lasting from a few months to a full year. In addition, a number of undergraduate students work in the laboratory side-by-side with faculty and graduate students. I hope you enjoy browsing through our Web site.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if we can be of any assistance.
Lalita Udpa
College of Engineering
Michigan State University