Graduation Date:
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Research Interests:
Implantable/wearable devices for biomedical/environmental applications
Analog and mixed signal integrated circuit design
Microfabrication and sensor design
Wireless data and power Telemetry
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ehsan-ashoori-6a67b236/
- E. Ashoori, H. Yin, S. Parsnejad, A. J. Mason, "A Compact High-Precision Microfluidic Platform for Wearable Sensing of Particulate Matter," to be presented in the Air Sensors International Conference, Pasadena, USA, May 2022.
- E. Ashoori, S. Parsnejad, H. Yin, J. Figueroa, N. Sepúlveda, a. J. Mason, “A low-cost liquid-based capacitive sensor for PM2.5 monitoring,” in Proc. IEEE 64th Int. Midwest Symp. Circuits Syst., Virtual [due to the pandemic], Aug. 2021, pp. 626–629.
- S. Parsnejad, E. Ashoori, A. J. Mason, “Multi-electrode tactile stimulation to combat skin dependency in machine-to-human feedback,” in Proc. IEEE 64th Int. Midwest Symp. Circuits Syst., Virtual [due to the pandemic], Aug. 2021, pp. 626–629.
- H. Yin, S. Parsnejad, E. Ashoori, H. Wan, W. Li, A. J. Mason, “Size-fractionated electrochemical quantification for compact monitoring of fine particulate matter,” Microchemical Journal, vol. 168 (106386), pp. 1-15, Sep. 2021.
- H. Yin, E. Ashoori, S. Parsnejad, J. W. Salatino, E. K. Purcell, and A. J. Mason, “Microfabricated capacitive electrodes for high channel count ECoG recording,” in International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER),San Francisco, CA, Mar. 2019, pp. 839-842.
- H. Yin, E. Ashoori, X. Mu, and A. J. Mason, "A Compact Low-Power Current-to-Digital Readout Circuit for Amperometric Electrochemical Sensors," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2019.
- E. Ashoori, H. Yin, S. Parsnejad, J. W. Salatino, E. K. Purcell, and A. J. Mason, “ECoG electrode array with embedded coupling capacitors for area efficient neural recording,” in IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Cleveland, OH, Oct. 2018.
- S. Dávila-Montero, E. Ashoori, and Andrew J. Mason, “Early detection of epileptic activity on EEG signals using phase-preserving quantization method,” in IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Cleveland, OH, Oct. 2018.
- E. Ashoori, S. Dávila-Montero, and A. J. Mason, "Compact and low power analog front end with in-situ data decimator for high-channel-count ECoG recording," in Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2018 IEEE International Symposium on, May 2018, pp. 1-5.
- H. Li, S. Parsnejad, E. Ashoori, C. Thompson, E. Purcell, and A. J. Mason, “Ultracompact microwatt CMOS Current readout with picoampere noise and kilohertz bandwidth for biosensor arrays,” IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Systems, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 35-46, Feb. 2018.
- E. Ashoori and A. J. Mason, “Concentric helical coils for efficient and resilient wireless link in biomedical implants,” in Proc. IEEE 60th Int. Midwest Symp. Circuits Syst., Aug. 2017, pp. 245–248.
- S. Parsnejad, Y. Hu, H. Wan, E. Ashoori, and A. J. Mason, "Wide dynamic range multi-channel electrochemical instrument for in-field measurements," SENSORS, IEEE, Oct. 30- Nov. 3, 2016, pp. 1-3.
- S. Parsnejad, T. Lin, Y. Hu, H. Wan, E. Ashoori, P. Lillehoj, A. J. Mason, “Compact , Adaptive , Multichannel Electrochemical Instrument for Point-of-Care Sensing,” in IEEE-NIH 2016 Special Topics Conference on Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies, 2016.
- E. Ashoori, F. Asgarian, A. M. Sodagar, and E. Yoon, “Design of double layer printed spiral coils for wirelessly-powered biomedical implants”, 33rd Annual Int. Conf. of the IEEE EMBS, Boston, MA, USA, August 30 -September 3, 2011, pp. 2882-2885.