Yiming Deng 2023    
Yiming Deng, Ph.D., ASNT Fellow (class of 2021)
Professor, Director of Graduate Program
Associate Chair for Graduate Studies
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nondestructive Evaluation Laboratory
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Yiming Deng is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the College of Engineering, at Michigan State University, USA. He is serving as the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies and Director of Graduate Program of ECE. He leads the Nondestructive Evaluation Laboratory and is also an affiliated faculty member of Composite Vehicle Research Center.

Prof. Yiming Deng's current research focuses on NDE for Advanced Manufacturing, NDE 4.0 and 5.0, AI enabled NDE/SHM systems with Uncertainty Quantification (UQ), and Statistical Methods in NDE (Causal Inference, Learning).

Prof. Deng is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Reliability (IEEE TREL), IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (IEEE TMAG), Research in Nondestructive Evaluation (RNDE), Materials Evaluation (ME); Prof. Deng is an Subject Editor of Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (Taylor & Francis) and Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports (Nature). Prof. Deng is the Guest Editor of International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics in 2024.

He regularly serves as Panelist and Reviewer for National Science Foundation (NSF), US Department of Energy (DOE), US Department of Transportation (DOT), US Department of Defense (DOD), Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and Hong Kong RGC and over 40 scientific journals. He is a
Fellow of ASNT(Class of 2021), Senior Member of IEEE, Member of ASEE, MSU AGE Fellow. He is a Research Council member of IEEE and ASNT, International Standing Committee member of ENDE and ISEM, and TPC members for various international conferences.

In 2018, Prof. Deng was appointed by U.S. Transportation Secretary as one of the 24 VIS-WG members and special government employees (SGE) under Federal Advisory Committee Act. [news release]

Prof. Deng is co-General Chair of ISEM2025 and ENDE2025, and Program Committee member of ASNT Research Symposium from 2023-2025. Prof. Deng served as the General Chair of the 23rd International Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation Workshop, and served as Program Chair of IEEE PHM Conference in 2024.. He was co-Editor of the special issue of ISTP indexed book series "Study on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics" in 2019. Prof. Deng received ASNT Faculty Grant Award (2010, 2017), Best Paper Award/Best Student Paper Award (ANTEC2019, IEEE/ASME AIM2024) and Best Poster Award (ISEM2019, ENDE2018, SPE-ACCE2018), ASNT Fellowship Award (2021) with his PhD students, he is one of the recipients of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)'s Better Way Award. 

Prof Deng was invited Keynote Speakers of IEEE PHM2020 (China), ISEM2022 (Greece), ENDE2024 (India), Int. Symp. NDT&AI for High-speed Transport 2024 (China).

His broad research interests include electromagnetic and acoustic nondestructive evaluation (NDE), structural health monitoring (SHM) for multi-scale, multi-resolution, and multi-parameter damage diagnosis and prognosis; applied electromagnetics and acoustics, and computational modeling. His research work has been extensively supported by federal agencies and private sectors for the development of novel NDE/SHM actuators and sensors, sensing systems that involve multi-physics simulations for understanding the physics, experimental validation and verification (V&V), as well as actuators/sensors prototyping and fabrication for a wide range of engineering applications to assure safety-critical defense, energy and transportation infrastructure safety, security, durability, reliability and sustainability.

Nationality: American

Related News: [Creating a new technology, 2021] [Named ASNT Fellow, 2021] [Next Generation NDE, 2018] [Road 2 Composites, 2017] [AGE Fellow, 2017]




Yiming Deng, Ph.D.
2325B Engineering Building
Department of Electircal and Computer Engineering
428 S. Shaw Lane, East Lansing, MI 48824
Michigan State University
Office Phone: 517-884-0926
dengyimi AT egr DOT msu DOT edu
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