C:\Users\beck\Desktop\DellDesktop\exact\1D Cartesian\ XI0B1T0 , I = 1, 2, 3

James V. Beck, Feb. 23, 2012, Mar. 21, 2012


            Several semi-infinite solutions are considered in these notes. The distance L is a nominal distance since no character distance is present in the problem. (Actually has the dimensions of meter, but we chose instead to use L to be compatible with the finite body cases.)


X10B1T0, X10B0T1 and X10B1T1


            For a step change in the surface temperature at the surface of a semi-infinite body, the dimensional mathematical description of the X10B1T1 is





Dimensionless groups for the X10B1T0 problem


Dimensionless mathematical description





                        The dimensionless temperature and heat flux solutions are



For the X10B0T1 problem dimensionless groups


Dimensionless mathematical description





                        The dimensionless temperature and heat flux solutions are



Note that





X20B1T0, X20B0T1 and X20B1T1


            The dimensional mathematical description of the X20B1T1 problem (which has a step change in the surface heat flux) is





Dimensionless groups to reduce to the X20B1T0 problem


Dimensionless mathematical description of the X20B1T0 problem






The temperature and heat flux solutions are




Dimensionless groups for the X20B0T1 problem


Dimensionless mathematical description of the X20B0T1 problem






The temperature and heat flux solutions are





X30B1T0, X30B0T1 and X30B1T1


            For a step change in the ambient temperature at the surface of a semi-infinite body, the mathematical description (X30B1T1) is





Dimensionless groups for the X30B1T0 problem


Dimensionless mathematical description of the X30B1T0 problem





The temperature and heat flux solutions are



Dimensionless groups for the X30B0T1 problem


Dimensionless mathematical description of the X30B1T0 problem





The temperature and heat flux solutions are


Note that



X40B1T00, see C&J page 306





Dimensionless groups to reduce to the X40B1T0 problem


Dimensionless mathematical description of the X40B1T0 problem






Solution for the X40B1T0 problem



X50B1T00, see C&J page 307