Prospective Members

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How To Become Involved

Thanks for your interest in SWE! First, come to meetings! That's the best way to get an idea of what SWE is all about, and what kind of events we're planning. The time and location of these can be found on the calendar on the homepage. Look for signup sheets that are passed around during meetings with other ways to get more involved. What you get out of SWE is what you put into it, and the more you do, the more people you'll meet and the more fun you'll have! You don't have to be a paid member to participate, though there are benefits to membership.

Some sample activities you might participate in are: ice cream social, volunteering at the local animal shelter, attending the SWE National Conference, leading an activity at Introduce a Girl to Engineering, cider mill trip, and much more! You can find out about these events through our calendar, mailing list, and biweekly meetings. Either sign up at our biweekly meetings or email the people in charge of the events you are interested in. Get added to the mailing list HERE.

Want to get even more out of SWE? Run for E-board at our next elections, or serve on a committee. Committee members help members of the official E-board committees with some of the numerous jobs that are required to keep our chapter of SWE running smoothly. Serving on a committee is a great way to learn what's involved in the various E-board positions, get to know other SWE members, and boost your resume. You can view the various subommittees HERE, and sign up at a meeting or email an E-board member



We recommend the 5-year "Collegiate to Career" membership option, which covers the time you're in college and one year of professional membership! At a total cost of $50, this is an incredible opportunity considering the numerous benefits and the cost if you paid for each year individually. This membership is for the National SWE organization. While you do not need to be a national member to attend our chapter events, it is needed for things such as putting your SWE membership on your resume and receiving funding to attend SWE conferences. For more information, visit the national SWE website HERE.


Membership Benefits

  • Registration discounts to the annual national convention and student conferences.
  • Free listing in the SWE Resume Database System
  • Ability to apply for scholarships
  • Access to women's issues in engineering.
  • SWE, the Magazine of the Society of Women Engineers, a bi-monthly publication.
  • SWE membership pin (new members).
  • Opportunities for networking with fellow professionals and for leadership training.
  • Access to SWE library/videos.
  • And more!


SWENext (FOR AGES 13-18)

SWENext is a way to become part of the Society of Women Engineers as a student through the age of 18. Become part of SWE and #BeThatEngineer! Joining is free.

Families and educators play a key role in the success of SWENexters. The SWENext program offers resources and information for adult advocates as well.

Who can be a SWENexter?

Any student 13 or older may join SWENext. For those younger than 13, a parent will need to be the primary contact. 

Click HERE to learn more about joining SWENext!