Explore the SWE Committees!
Committees are a great way for new members to get involved with leadership in SWE. If you have any questions please reach out to the chair members in charge of these functions.
Social - The SWE Social Committee is responsible for hosting a variety of events throughout the year, many of which attract members of other organizations, as well as at-large students from the engineering college.
Outreach - The MSU-SWE Outreach Committee targets elementary, middle, and high school students in hopes of opening their minds to the possibilities that engineering has to offer and advising them in their search for a college path.
Community Service - The SWE Community Service Committee is responsible for organizing community service events throughout the school year for SWE members and friends. These events allow members to give back to their community while having fun with other engineers.
Wow That's Engineering – One day event for middle school students. Participants come to campus to learn about engineering by doing hands on projects and learning the "engineering" behind each project
Day With SWE Committee – The Day With SWE Committee plans a day on campus for women high school seniors who have been admitted to MSU and have declared engineering. The participants meet SWE members and learn about MSU engineering through tours, presentations, and panels.