CHE 473 Chemical Engineering Principles in Polymeric Materials (Spring semester every year) Application of chemical engineering principles to polymer and materials systems. Structures and properties of metals, ceramics and polymers. Thermodynamics, synthesis, rubber elasticity, viscoelasticity, kinetics, rheology, and processing of polymers systems. Application of statistics and problem-solving skills to materials systems.)
MSE 876 Advanced Polymeric Materials (Fall Semester at even years) Advanced topics in polymer structure and properties. Thermoplastics, thermosets, polyblends and elastomers. Processing techniques. Deformation and mechanical properties. Thermal, optical and chemical properties. Composites.)
CHE871/MSE 871 Material Surfaces and Interfaces (Fall semester at odd years) This course covers a number of surface spectroscopies that have been applied to analysis the chemistry, composition, morphology, and topography of surfaces and interfaces, including the liquid-solid interface, the gas-solid interface, and the solid-solid interface. In addition, the surface and interfacial thermodynamics, adhesion, wetting, and colloidal stability will also be included.