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This research focuses on the thumb carpometacarpal joint and the effects of osteoarthritis on this joints mobility. Using motion capture and force data the mobility of healthy patients and OA patients were analyzed.
Almost all prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications are required to be kept in child-resistant packaging (CRP). CRP is designed to be significantly difficult for children under the age of five to open within a reasonable timeframe while still being accessible to older adults. This project researched the torque used to open CRP.
The recliner developed helps reduce time spent in one position by automatically repositioning the patient and reducing the risk of pressure injuries.
The lab worked with MSU football to create plugs for earholes in the players helmets to block out extra noise.
The goals of this study were to identify the challenges for persons with disabilities with current PUDO zones through in person, real-life scenarios. There are many difficulties with travel such as broken sidewalks and blocked curb cutouts. Participants reported positive views regarding autonomous vehicles, and their ability to alleviate the challenges with current modes of transportation.
Archana Lamsal researched the coefficient of friction of different clothing fabrics on different seat covers. This research will help determine what the best fabric for wheelchair users to wear is as well as what the best material to make the seat out of is.
Persons with Functional Movement Disorder (FMD) have symptoms of uncontrollable body movements that can range from small tremors to large jerks. Garrett Weidig is researching how effective the current treatments are at reducing the uncontrolled body movements.
Dr. Bush and her team along with Dr. Swierenga are working with CNHi (Case New Holland Industrial) on a project related to their tractors.
Picture of the pig's face with markers on the top of the pig's head.
Sloan Kanat is conducting kinematic research on pig gait. The goal of this research is to develop an analysis of pig gait using 3D rotational data pre- and post- traumatic brain injury.
Justin Scott is researching pressure injuries occurring from wheelchair use. The goal of this research is to prevent pressure injuries in wheelchair users by redistributing the pressure loads while seated.
