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Welcome to the Lahr Lab!


Welcome to the Lahr Lab! You can find us in the Engineering Research Complex at Michigan State University.  Our work involves creating new user friendly methods for monitoring of water, wastewater, and biofluids in hopes of protecting the public from pollution exposure, drinking water quality disasters, and resource extraction issues. We are working towards open access drinking water quality testing, low cost tools for monitoring urine diversion systems for nutrient recovery, and cancer detection through biofluid analysis. As the population of the earth edges closer to its estimated carrying capacity, preservation and management of natural resources is becoming increasingly important to maintain public health. It is the responsibility of chemists and environmental engineers to detect pollution in water, air, food, material goods, and human bodies, to remediate this pollution, and to ultimately protect public health, often with limited public and monetary support. Chemical hazards have made significant historical impacts when ample detection methods, monitoring programs, toxicity studies, or regulations have been lacking, exemplified by the phase out of leaded gasoline, DDT, and Agent Orange only after public and ecological health issues arose. Thus, the research endeavors in the Lahr lab target the need for detection, monitoring, prevention, and remediation of environmental pollution and the effects of pollution. Please browse the links above or contact Rebecca Lahr (rlahr@msu.edufor more information. 

Recent Projects

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Research News

Zoe Wilton presented her research on "Analysis of E. Coli using Nanochromatography" at the 11th Annual Lyman Briggs Research Symposium supported by MSUFCU on April 24-27th, 2017.
Jeffery Lorencen & Zoe Wilton presented their research on "Nanochromatography monitoring of Urine-derived Fertilizers" at the TechConnect World Innovation Conference held at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in Maryland on May 15-17th, 2017.
Auguste Niyibizi giving talk on current research
Auguste Niyibizi travelled to San Francisco on April 4th to present at the American Chemical Society Annual conference. Auguste gave a talk on Harnessing drop coat deposition Raman spectroscopy for non-invasive cancer diagnosis.
Jeffery Lorencen and Ruiwei Sui present on Nutrient Monitoring Via Nanochromatography at 2017 University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum held on Friday, April 7th. Over 900 students presented their research at this year's event.
Xiaoyan Li presents at research at Kellog Center on MSU's campus at ESPP Symposium. Presenting a talk on “A low cost and fast tap water quality test method: Coffee Ring Effect”