Name: Tyler Smith
Role: Exhaust & Valvetrain Project Leader
Hometown: Portland, MI
Major/Graduation: Mechanical Engineering, December 2017
Favorite activity outside of formula? Why?
Fixing things. The critical thinking involved with fixing something has always been enjoyable to me. This has caused me to volunteer to fix things just to prove to myself that I can.
Favorite part about being on the Formula Team and why?
My favorite part of the Formula Team would have to be fabrication. Forumla has allowed me to use tools that I don't have the means to pay for at this time.
What made you get involved with the team?
At some point before starting at MSU I had found out about Formula. From that point I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of. Consequently looking up how to join Formula was one of the first things I did when I was accepted to MSU.
Past Internships (Company, Year, Role)
Michigan Department of Transportation, 2013-2014, Transportation Technician Co-Op
What do you want to do after college?
Find a job in motorsports or the automotive industry. Specifically in powertrain development.