Phil Yuzon

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Name: Phil Yuzon 

Role: Data Acquistion and Development 

Hometown: Lake Orion, MI 

Major/Graduation: Electrical Engineering, May 2018 

Favorite activity outside of formula? Why? 

My favorite activity outside of formula is skateboarding. It is a very fun way to stay active and is very physically and mentalling challenging. 

Favorite part about being on the Formula Team and why?

My favorite part of being on the Formula team is working with the team to create a racecar from the ground up then compete with it against other teams from around the world. 

What made you get involved with the team?

I love cars and motorsports and saw this as a great opportunity to get involved with both, while getting real world experience before I graduate. 

Past Internships (Company, Year, Role) 

Composite Vehicle Research Center, 2016, Reasearch Assisant 

What do you want to do after college? 

After I graduate I would like to work as an engineer in the automotive industry. 

Data Acquisition and Development