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Michael Dittman

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B. S. Physics, Michigan State University
B. S. Electrical Engineering, Michigan State University
B. S. Computer Science, Michigan State University
Michael received his BS degrees in Physics, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science at Michigan State University in 2022 and 2023. He is currently a PhD student in the EMRG under the supervision of Dr. Mauro Ettorre and Dr. John Papapolymerou. His research interests are in conformal antennas, RF and analog electronics, solid-state physics, nuclear and particle physics, and detector systems. He has worked on the simulation and fabrication of Ultra-Wide Bandgap Semiconductors (UWBGs) including field effect transistors (FETs) and Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs), developing code to simulate multipactor for mitigation in RF systems, designing analog circuits for use as diagnostic equipment, and programming software control systems for diagnostic and detector systems.