Mohd Ifwat Mohd Ghazali won Best of Session at the 2017 International Symposium on Microelectronics (IMAPS) for his paper "3D Printed Metalized Plastic Waveguides for Microwave Components" for the session 3D Technologies: Materials, Processes, and Applications. Additionally, John Doroshewitz won the Outstanding Student Paper award for his paper titled "Multi-factor product authentication using integrated Quick Response (QR) code pixelated antenna".Congrats Ifwat and John!
Abstract for Ifwat's paper:
This paper investigates the design and fabrication of 3D printed waveguides and their application for the design of microwave passive components. This includes a simple waveguide structure, a band pass filter, and a leaky wave. A Lego-like approach is used to assemble together different 3D printed sub-sections after metal coating. These allow the structure to be fabricated in multiple layers. Simulation and measured results match closely. Details of modeling, fabrication and measurement are presented for these three passive components.
Abstract for John's paper:
A Quick Response (QR) Code style antenna is presented. Such an antenna can provide two-level authentication, both optically through the current QR technology, plus a radio frequency (RF) signature from microstrip patch antenna designed from the QR signature using copper patterning. The antenna is designed through the pixilation of a patch antenna where conductor is present in the dark regions of the optical QR code. The QR based antenna design has a unique frequency and radiation signature and can be used for RF authentication of products. The design process for the pixilation is presented as well as fabrication and measured results of a QR code antenna design. The possibility of using a Genetic Algorithm to create a “library” of acceptable antenna results in accordance with the QR data it represents is also discussed.