ECE Technical Services

Here are a few important things to keep in mind as you make use of the ECE teaching laboratories.

Please inform the ECE Shop at once if there are any problems in the labs - equipment broken or missing, software not working, temperature too hot or cold, electronic locks not working. You can come see us in 3234 Engineering call us at 355-5233, or e-mail us at We want to get any trouble taken care of as quickly as possible.

Be gentle with the equipment. Most of it is quite expensive and not always readily replaceable on short notice; when it is damaged that is one less tool available for students to do their work.

Keep the labs neat. Electronic prototyping and computer work tend to generate big messes (just peek in the Shop sometime!) but when you are done for the day, please straighten things up for the next person who will need to use the Lab Station.

The security equipment - electronic locks, fiber optic alarms, cable bike locks, cameras - are a big annoyance, but result from many expensive thefts of computers and test equipment.

Doors should remained closed and locked unless an instructor is present. If your keyless combination isn't working, contact us at once so we can figure out why and fix it.

In general, after 5 PM lab doors are to be closed and locked except for scheduled laboratories. If you are working in a lab after 5 PM do not open the door to anyone you do not know, for your personal safety and lab security. Report any attempts to remove or damage equipment; people doing so may not be students and they are stealing from YOU.