- Papers that use control Lyapunov functions:
Primbs, James A.,
Vesna Nevistić, and John C. Doyle. "Nonlinear optimal control: A
control Lyapunov function and receding horizon perspective." Asian
Journal of Control 1.1 (1999): 14-24.
Ogren, Petter, and
Naomi Ehrich Leonard. "A convergent dynamic window approach to obstacle
avoidance." Robotics, IEEE Transactions on 21.2 (2005): 188-195.
- Notes on LMI-based L2 gain analysis and control were distributed
via email.
- "Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory" by
Boyd et. al, can be found in this link.
- See "LMIs in Control Systems" by Duan and Yu.
- Also look at Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) control slides by
Prof. Packard in this
- Application book "Linear
parameter-varying control for engineering applications" can be found at
MSU Engineering Lib. (TJ220 .W45 2013).
- Yalimp examples can be found in this link.
- Exam 2 will be given at April 11th.
- Project titles are listed under Project. Presentation dates will
be assigned.
- Projects will be presented in April 18th, April 21st and April
- Final project paper is due April 23rd.
- Submit a hard copy and send a electronic copy of the project
- Write the project paper in a IEEE conference format: http://css.paperplaza.net/conferences/support/support.php
- hw5 is uploaded.
- Joonho will re-grade hw3 so please return your hws.
- Exam 1 will be on Friday 28th Feb 9am-10am in class.
- Scope is up to Lecture 12 and hw4.
- Oepn (text) book and lecture notes only.
- hw4 is uploaded.
- The class on Monday Feb. 10th is replaced with the same time slot
on Friday Feb. 14th.
- hw3 can be sumitted to my office on Feb. 10th or the follwing
class Wed Feb 12th.
- Submit your project proposal by March 10th (after spring
- Region-of-Attraction (ROA) can be estimatd by optimization
techniques, for example, SOS
approach and using simulations
and SOS.
- Bifurcation theory is powerful and can be used to analyze abrupt
swarm pattern changes, for example, see this paper by Brandon Lindley et
- Office hours are updated due to the conflict with Robust Control
- To numerically construct phase portraits
for second-order systems, please use ODE Software for Matlab
(pplane7.m) written by John
C. Polking, Rice University.
- Mathematical prelimiaries are posted in the lecture notes section.
Instructor: Jongeun Choi, Associate
2459 Engineering
East Lansing, MI 48824, Phone: (517)-432-3164
Website: http://www.egr.msu.edu/~jchoi/
schedule: MW(F): 8:55-10:10 am, Room
2320, Engineering Building.
hours: MW 10:10-11:55 am,
Room 2459
Engineering Building. Extra hours can be
arranged by appointments.
Syllabus: pdf file.
Grader: Joonhoo Lee:
leejoon8 at egr dot msu dot edu
- High gain observers in nonlinear feedback control by Ahmed Ramadan
- Nonlinear control in automotive engine by Ruitao Song
- Design of extended high gain perturbation observer for
controlling electronic throttle valve by Yasir Khudhair Al-Nadawi
- Nonlinear backstepping speed control of permanent magnet
synchronous motor with speed observer by Abdullah Alfehaid
- Nonlinear control for turbocharged diesel engine by Mengyan Gu
- Analysis of spine model with flexor and extensor muscles by Huan
N. Do
- An application to catalytic alkylation of benzene process network
with distributed economic MPC design by Ali Abul
- System identification in th presence of bounded data
perturbations by Jinyao Yan
- Improved performance of the second order system by using variable
structure control by Amer Allafi
- Passivity-based tracking control of a ball on a beam system by
Stephanie Priess
- Design and control of an autonomous robotic fish by Hussein Hasan
- Design and analysis of a distributed navigation strategy of
mobile sensor networks by Aqeel Madhag.
- Analysis of a power system based on Lyapunov stability theory by
Nguyen Thi Thanh Nga
Course Topics
to nonlinear phenomena. Second-order systems. Stability of equilibrium
points and Lyapunov stability. Passivity-based control.
Input-state and Input-output stability. Special nonlinear forms.
Stabilization. Robust stabilization. Tracking. Observers. Regulation
via integral control. Applications to electrical and mechanical systems.
H.K. Khalil, Nonlinear Systems, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall 2002.
There will be about
10 homework assignments, which will be posted at least a week
before the due date. The lowest one homework grade will be dropped.
- hw1 (due: 1/27/14 Monday).
- hw2 (due: 2/3/14 Monday).
- hw3 (due: 2/10/14 Monday).
- hw4
Bonus problem: obtain the solution to min x' P x subject to |b'x|=r,
where ' denots the transpose operator. (due 2/19/14 Wednesday).
- hw5 (due 3/17/14 Monday).
- hw6 (due 3/24/14 Monday).
- hw7 (due 3/31/14 Monday).
- hw8 (due 4/7/14 Monday).
Each of
students will choose a problem with some motivation. This will
serve as a testbed problem throughout the class. Analysis and synthesis
techniques from the class will be applied to the problem.
abstract, introduction, and results of the topic will be written
in a
technical paper format and will be presented in class. See more details
in the class syllabus.
All exams are open
book and notes.