- Midterm exam 1 will be held on Monday March 1st.
- To numerically construct phase portraits for second-order systems, please use ODE Software for Matlab (pplane7.m) written by John
C. Polking, Rice University.
- Mathematical prelimiaries are posted in the lecture notes section.
Instructor: Jongeun Choi, Assisntant Professor
2459 Engineering Building
East Lansing, MI 48824, Phone: (517)-432-3164
Website: http://www.egr.msu.edu/~jchoi/
Class schedule: MWF: 9:10-10:00, Room 2320, Engineering Building.
Office hours: MWF 10:10-11:00, Room 2459 Engineering Building. Extra hours can be arranged by appointments.
Syllabus: pdf file.
Grader: Shahid Nazrulla (nazrulla at egr.msu.edu) will grade hws.
Course Topics
to nonlinear phenomena. Second-order systems. Stability of equilibrium
points and Lyapunov stability. Passivity-based control.
Input-state and Input-output stability. Special nonlinear forms.
Stabilization. Robust stabilization. Tracking. Observers. Regulation
via integral control. Applications to electrical and mechanical systems.
Sample course outline and lectures by Prof. Khalil:
Required Textbook
H.K. Khalil, Nonlinear Systems, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall 2002.
Lecture Notes
There will be about 10 homework assignments, which will be posted at least a week
before the due date. The lowest one homework grade will be dropped.
- hw1 (due 1/22/2010 Friday)
- hw2 (due 2/3/2010 Wednesday)
- hw3 (due 2/12/2010 Friday)
- hw4 (due 2/19/2010 Friday)
- hw5 (due 3/5/2010 Friday)
- hw6 (due 3/26/2010 Friday)
- hw7 (due 4/5/2010 Monday)
- hw8
- hw9
Each of
students will choose a problem with some motivation. This will
serve as a testbed problem throughout the class. Analysis and synthesis
techniques from the class will be applied to the problem. The
abstract, introduction, and results of the topic will be written in a
technical paper format and will be presented in class. See more details in the class syllabus.
All exams are open book and notes.