- The final deadline for updating your project website is Monday 3/31-midnight. Reviewers also review your website.
- Please find the paper (reference [31]) related to the passivity based control.
- The scope of the second exam covers materials from Lecture 14 to Lecture 23 and Lecture 25 (until hw8).
- Please download this sample project page and
fill out title, your name and abstract.Rename this file
using your last name like "project_Choi.html" You can send me
the updated html file along with your current paper in pdf form.
- hw4 is due next Monday and we
have the first mid-term exam on Wednesday (see the schedule). The exam
is open book and open notes.
- The scope is up to hw4 and lecture 13. Please review
notes, hws and associated book chapters. Please review second order
nonlinear systems, Lyapunov theorems and LaSalle's theorem (hw4).
- Please drop by any time for questions.
- hw2 has been posted. When you make
phase portraits, you may want to use tau around 2 and other
rates less than 1 to obtain a good plot.
- Please send your extended abstract (in word or plain text) to me via email. That should contain title and your name.
- A bonus problem has been added to hw1.
- To numerically construct phase portraits for second-order systems, please use ODE Software for Matlab (pplane7.m) written by John
C. Polking, Rice University.
- Mathematical prelimiaries are posted in the lecture notes section.
- The text book is reserved in the engineering library.
Instructor: Jongeun Choi, Assisntant Professor
2459 Engineering Building
East Lansing, MI 48824, Phone: (517)-432-3164
Website: http://www.egr.msu.edu/~jchoi/
Class schedule: MWF: 9:10-10:00, Room 2320, Engineering Building.
Office hours: M 10:00-11:00 & 13:30-14:30, W 13:30-14:30, 2459 Engineering Building. or You can drop by my office anytime.
Syllabus: pdf file.
Course Topics
to nonlinear phenomena. Second-order systems. Stability of equilibrium
points and Lyapunov stability. Passivity-based control.
Input-state and Input-output stability. Special nonlinear forms.
Stabilization. Robust stabilization. Tracking. Observers. Regulation
via integral control. Applications to electrical and mechanical systems.
Sample course outline and lectures by Prof. Khalil:
Required Textbook
H.K. Khalil, Nonlinear Systems, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall 2002.
Lecture Notes
are about 11 homework assignments, which will be posted at least a week
before the due date. The lowest two homework grades are dropped.
- HW1
- HW2
- HW3
- HW4
- HW5
- HW6
- HW7
- HW8
- HW9
Each of
students will choose a problem with some motivation. This will
serve as a testbed problem throughout the class. Analysis and synthesis
techniques from the class will be applied to the problem. The
abstract, introduction, and results of the topic will be written in a
technical paper format and will be presented in class. See more details in the class syllabus.
Sayyed Rouhollah Jafaritafti
Mayank Mittal
Xiaojian Yang
Ryan Monroe
Yunfei Xu
Andrew White
Will Smits
Joonho Lee
All exams are open book and notes.