451-Control Systems, Fall 2014
- The final exam will be
on Wednesday December 10th, 10:00-12:00 noon in the same class
- You are allowed to bring
another 1-paged hand-written formula sheet. So in total, you can bring
3 pages including previous ones from Exams 1 and 2.
- The scope is
comprehensive and up to frequency response and Bode diagram.
- The note from the final
- If you
have any of scores in Exams 1 and 2 is lower than 80-1.5*18=80-36=53
(lower 1.5*sigma), please redo the corresponding exam(s), and submit
your work before the final exam.
- I will
give small credit back to you for your extra-effort.
- Return the copy of your
exam(s) to prove your score is lower than 53.
- Solution
to Exam 2 is here.
- There will be no class on
Wed Nov 26th. Happy Thanksgiving!
- A simple solution to
determine the pole and zero of the lead compensator is in this note.
- The note on the review
session for Exam 2 is uploaded.
- Today's note on steady state error due to
step reference and disturbance inputs is uploaded
- The PI controller note is
- Exam 2 will be on Nov. 21st
Friday in class.
- One more page (with
hand-written formulas) can be added to your previous one-page formula
- The exam scope covers
materials from Lecture 12 to Lecture 20 (HW9).
- Note that previous
topics, e.g., stability, block diagrams show up in current topics for
Exam 2.
- HW8
is posted now.
- HW7
is posted.
- HW6
is posted.
- Exam 1 will be on Friday
October 24 in class.
- The exam scope covers up
to materials up to HW5 and Lecture 11.
- You can bring one-paged,
hand-written cheat sheet (US Letter size).
- Closed-book.
- There will be no class on
Wednesday October 22 (Travel for DSCC 2014:
- If the question ask for
"derivation" you need to show the intermediate steps to derive the
solution in your exam.
- If you have 2 points off
from Problem 5 of the quiz due to missing
derivation in your solution, you will get some points back.
Please send me and Sina ( an email that contains a
clear picture of the first page of the graded quiz (to show your graded
problem 5).
- HW5
is due on Monday 10/12.
- HW4
is due on Friday 10/3.
- HW3
is due on Friday 9/26.
- HW1 and Quiz solutions are
- HW2
is due on Friday 9/19.
- HW1
is due on Friday 9/12.
- Update!: The math quiz will
be on
Sept. 12 next Friday in class.
Instructor: Jongeun Choi, Associate
Engineering Building
428 S. Shaw Lane, Room 2459
East Lansing, MI 48824, Phone: (517)-432-3164
Lecturer: M W F: 11:30AM -
12:20PM ,
008 Urban Plan & Land Arch Bldg
hours: M W: 10 - 11AM 2459
Engineering Building
Laboratory Instructor: Jongeun Choi, Associate
Lab website:
Grader for Homework:
Sina Jahangiri
Other TAs are
during laboratory sessions for students to consult with homework.
Course Description
modeling of dynamic systems. Standard feedback control formulation.
Transient and sinusoidal steady-state analysis. Time and frequency
domain controller synthesis.
Modern Control Systems, Richard C.
Dorf and Robert H. Bishop, Prentice Hall, 12th edition, 2010,
ISBN-10: 0-13-602458-0
- Feedback Control Systems, C. L. Phillips and
R. D. Harbor, Prentice Hall, 4th edition, 2000, ISBN 0-13-949090-6
- Modern Control Engineering, Katsuhiko Ogata, Prentice Hall.
- Control Systems Engineering, Norman S. Nise, fifth edition, John
Wiley and Sons, Inc,
and Notes (will be
updated see the date stamp)
- Lecture 0-[8-26-2013],
Course information, complex numbers and logarithm.
- Lecture 1-[8-26-2013], Introduction
to feedack control.
- Lecture
2-[8-26-2013], Laplace transform-concise version.
- Lecture 2
Laplace transform-extended version.
- Lecture 3-[8-26-2013], ODE
solution using Laplace transform
- Lecture 4-[8-26-2013], Transfer
function, modeling of electrical systems.
- Lecture 4, transfer function-[8-26-13] .
- Lecture 4, electric
- Lecture 5 [2-1-11], Modeling of
mechanical systems.
- Lecture
5 [2-1-11]-complete.
- Lecture 6 [2-7-11],
Block diagrams.
- Lecture 7 [2-9-11],
- Additional linearization
note from Dr. Radcliffe.
- Lecture 8, Modeling of DC
motors [2-11-11]
- Lecture 8 complete
notes [2-11-11]
- Lecture 9,
- Lecture 10 [2-21-11], Routh
Hurwitz criterion.
- Lecture 10, complete
notes [2-21-11]
- Lecture 11 [2-25-11], Routh
Hurwitz criterion: Control examples.
- Lecture 11 complete
notes [2-25-11]
- Lecture 12 [3-11-11],
domain specifications.
- Lecture 13
Steady state error.
- Lecture 14
[2-21-11], Time
respnose of 1st order systems.
- Lecture 15
[3-30-11], Time
response of 2nd oder systems.
- Lecture 16 [4-1-11],
- Lecture 17, Root locus:
- Lecture 18, Root
locus: sketch of proofs.
- Lecture 19,
Root locus, multiple parameter design.
- Lecture 20, Root
locus, lead compensator design.
- Lecture 21, Root
locus, Lag compensator, Lead-lag compensator design.
- Lecture 22,
Frequency response
- Lecture 23, Bode
- Lecture 24,
Bode plots.
- Relative stability.
- Frequency
response controller desgin (written by Dr. Radcliffe)
- matlab file