ME 451-Control Systems, Fall 2008
- The final review session is scheduled 1-2 pm on Tuesday, December 9th at 2400 Engineering Building. Good luck!
- You are allowed to bring a letter sized paper (two sides) with hand-written formulas.
- The scope is cumurative and up to Lecture 23.
- The second midterm exam will be in the class on 11/10/08 Monday. The scope is up to hw7.
- The
midterm exam will be in the class 10/3/08 Friday. The
scope contains materials covered in Lecture 0- Lecture 6,
i.e., from hw1 to hw3. If you can solve homework problems well, you will do great in the exam.
- In the exam, I will allow you to bring a letter sized paper (one side for mid
terms and two sides for the final exam) where you can write important
formulas and equations. It has to be only with your hand-written
- For those of you who don't want to take notes
in class, the complete notes without empty spaces will be also posted.
However, taking notes in class is highly recommended.
- There will be often blank spaces for the solutions
to the example problems in the posted slides so that students are
encouraged to fill them up with correct solutions from the class.
- Some references are posted.
- 8/28 HW1 and the quiz solution are posted.
- Homework grading policy
- If all problems are solved
(not necessarily correct), 50% of the credit will be given. If only
some of problems are solved, this 50% of the credit will be prorated.
- Each homework, randomly chosen a subset of problems will be graded carefully,
which will make up for the other 50% of the credit.
- The
solution of the homework will be posted on the class webpage.
- Late homework will not be accepted unless you prove (with some documents) that your case is legitimate to TA.
Instructor: Jongeun Choi, Assisntant Professor
2459 Engineering Building
East Lansing, MI 48824, Phone: (517)-432-3164
Lecturer: MWF: 11:30am-12:20pm, C103 McDonel Hall
Office hours: 2459 Engineering Building, MW 2:00-3:00pm. Extra hours can be arranged
Laboratory Instructor: Professor C. J. Radcliffe
2445 Engineering Building
East Lansing, MI 48824, Phone: (517)-355-5198
TA for Homework: Yunfei Xu
TA will grade homework and other TAs are available during laboratory sessions to help students with
TA schedule
Course Description
modeling of dynamic systems. Standard feedback control formulation. Transient
and sinusoidal steady-state analysis. Time and frequency domain controller
Required Textbook
Feedback Control Systems, C. L. Phillips and R. D. Harbor, Prentice Hall, 4th edition, 2000, ISBN 0-13-949090-6
- Modern Control Systems, Richard C. Dorf and Robert H. Bishop, 11th edition, 2008 Pearson Education Inc.
- Modern Control Engineering, Katsuhiko Ogata, Prentice Hall.
- Control Systems Engineering, Norman S. Nise, fifth edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc,
Handouts and Notes (Most of Slides are originally created by Professor Ryozo Nagamune at University of British Columbia, Canada)
- Lecture 0, Course information, complex numbers and logarithm.
- Lecture 1, Introduction to feedack control.
- Quiz 1 solution
- Lecture 2, Laplace transform.
- Lecture 2 again
- Lecture 3, ODE solution using Laplace transform
- Lecture 4, Transfer function, modeling of electrical systems.
- Lecture 4 again
- Lecture 4, electric circuit
- Lecture 5, Modeling of mechanical systems.
- Lecture 5 again
- Lecture 5,
- Lecture 6, Block diagrams.
- Lecture 7, Linearization
- Lecture 7 again
- Solution of the midterm 1
- Lecture 8, Modeling of DC motors
- Lecture 9, Stability
- Lecture 10, Routh Hurwitz criterion.
- Lecture 11, Routh Hurwitz criterion: Control examples.
- Lecture 12, Time domain specifications.
- Lecture 13, Steady state error.
- Lecture 14, Time respnose of 1st order systems.
- Lecture 15, Time response of 2nd oder systems.
- Lecture 16, Root locus,
- Lecture 17, Root locus: examples.
- Solution of the midterm exam 2.
- Lecture 18, Root locus: sketch of proofs.
- Lecture 19, Root locus, multiple parameter design (skipped).
- Lecture 20, Root locus, lead compensator design.
- Lecture 21, Root locus, Lag compensator, Lead-lag compensator design.
- Lecture 22, Frequency response
- Lecture 23, Bode plots.
- Lecture 24, Bode plots.