Peer-Reviewed Extension Bulletins
E. Ghane. 2023. A Guide for Monitoring Phosphorus. MSU Extension Bulletin E3484
E. Ghane. 2023 revised. Iron Ochre. MSU Extension Bulletin E3453
E. Ghane. 2023 revised. Choosing Between 8-Row and 4-Row Regular-Perforated Pipes. MSU Extension Bulletin E3468
E. Ghane. 2023 revised. Choosing Between Sock-Wrapped and Sand-Slot Pipes. MSU Extension Bulletin E3467
E. Ghane. 2023 revised. Mole Drains. MSU Extension Bulletin E3452
E. Ghane. 2023 revised. Why do Subsurface Drainage Systems Underperform? MSU Extension Bulletin E3451
E. Ghane. 2023 revised. Agricultural Drainage. MSU Extension Bulletin E3370
E. Ghane. 2022 revised. Shallow Drains. MSU Extension Bulletin E3456
E. Ghane. 2022 revised. Drain Sedimentation Tool. MSU Extension Bulletin E3455
E. Ghane. 2022 revised. Blind Inlet. MSU Extension Bulletin E3454
E. Ghane. 2022 revised. Drain Spacing Tool. MSU Extension Bulletin E3450
Online Extension News Articles
MSU Extension News article. Stacked practices: The key to phosphorus loss reduction. April 5, 2024. (Link)
MSU Extension News article. 2022 Ag Census reveals surprising trend in acreage of tile drainage in the Midwest. February 25, 2024. (Link)
MSU Extension News article. Phosphorus concentration fluctuates rapidly like a nutrient roller coaster. September 25, 2023. (Link)
MSU Extension News article. Keep iron ochre under control in your basement. August 11, 2023. (Link)
MSU Extension News article. Understand the inherent uncertainty of your phosphorus monitoring strategy. July 5, 2023. (Link)
MSU Extension News article. Tips for improving the water-quality performance of conservation drainage practices. October 10, 2022. (Link)
MSU Extension News article. Is water quality a trade-off for the benefits of no-till? April 20, 2022. (Link)
MSU Extension News article. Contributors to increased phosphorus loss in drainage water and possible solutions. April 20, 2022. (Link)
MSU Extension News article. Mole drains: A cheap alternative to subsurface tile drainage. March 17, 2022. (Link)
MSU Extension News article. Tips for improving the performance of your drainage system. March 3, 2022. (Link)
MSU Extension News article. Maximize profit with the new Drain Spacing Tool. June 29, 2021. (Link)
MSU Extension News article. Phosphorus loss in subsurface drainage and workshop. June 5, 2018. (Link)
Co-authored article in North Central Region Water Network. Edge-of-Field Research Focuses on Controlled Drainage and Saturated Buffers for Reducing Nutrient Runoff. April 2018. (Link)
Co-authored article in MSU Extension News. Controlled drainage: Conserving nutrients and improving bottom lines. April 18, 2018. (Link)
Michigan Soybean News Magazine. Tile drainage drains excess water, not nutrients. March 2018. (Link)
Magazine News Featuring Ehsan Ghane
- It's All About Style: How the right pipe properties can create more efficient drainage? May 2022. (Link)
- Mind the Gap, Please: A New Tool from Michigan State University will help contractors determine optimal tile spacing. May 2021. (Link)
- Prepare for Rain: Rain is good for growers. Too much can be a curse. How can contractors accommodate? December 2021. (Link)
- Building the next generation of water management system. August 2020. (Link)