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Global Alliance for Rapid Diagnostics (GARD)

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Welcome to the Global Alliance for Rapid Diagnostics (GARD)!         Back to the GARD Forum

We are a village of innovators, a multidisciplinary and multicultural peer-to-peer network of equals, committed to improving global health through early diagnosis.

Our Vision: Save lives and sustain health through rapid diagnostics.

Our Mission: To develop portable, affordable, accessible, and deployable nano-enabled biosensor technologies for rapid and early detection of infectious and antimicrobial-resistant diseases to support sustainable health in populations who need help the most but can afford the least.

Sustainable health includes accessible and affordable healthcare, safe and nutritious food, clean water, and clean environment in alignment with sustainable development goals.

Sustainable Health Initiative (SHI) to address antimicrobial resistance

Activities under GARD:

1. Global forum - provides a venue across continents for exchanging ideas to stimulate affordable and practical solutions to issues of global concern.

2. Innovation Challenge - fosters creativity, establishes a global community of innovators, and builds an innovation ecosystem where solutions are relevant, accessible, affordable, appropriate, impactful, and valuable to those who need them. 

3. Academy - offers short courses on nanotechnology, biosensors, entrepreneurship, technical wrting, data analysis, and other topics of mutual interest.

4. Research collaborations - allows multidisciplinary efforts in addressing researchable issues of mutual interest.

5. Joint publications - provides opportunities for joint authorship of journal papers.

"A dollar or a minute may not solve much, but a pool of dollars or minutes may be enough to impact someone’s life." Dr. Evangelyn C. Alocilja, Founder, GARD

"Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed." (Psalm 82:3)

Breaking News: 2024 GARD Innovation Forum: Supporting Sustainable Health for Early Diagnosis. Read more ...
1. Antimicrobial resistance in Respiratory diseases and Sepsis in Immunocompromised Patients (ARSIP)
2. Transboundary, Emerging, and Animal/Aquaculture Diseases (TEAD)
3. Sustainable Health Initiative (SHI) - human, animal/food, and environment in alignment with sustainable development goals (SDGs)
4. Affordable and Accessible Diagnostic Technologies (AADT)
5. Pandemic Preparedness and Surveillance (PPAS)

 Register now for the GARD Forum!


GARD Members (by country)

GARD-Women in Science and Engineering with Resilience (WISER): Inspiring Stories

GARD-BEFA (Borlaug and Scientific Exchange Fellowship Alums)

Nanotechnology and Biosensor videos for K-college education

Why join GARD?

The Global Alliance for Rapid Diagnostics (GARD) is unique because it is a community of innovators and a multidisciplinary-multicultural peer-to-peer network of equals committed to one vision: support sustainable health through early diagnosis for resource-limited populations worldwide. The annual GARD Forum is a virtual platform with unique activities that everyone can participate in: Innovation Challenge, regional technical sessions, short courses, mentoring sessions, and special groups. The regional sessions feature speakers from East and Southeast Asia, South Asia, Latin America, North America, Africa, and Europe. The Innovation Challenge provides a unique opportunity to see how cultural and social norms influence proposed solutions to technical problems. The three-day program “Follows the Sun,” where regional sessions across continents are conducted in a manner friendly to the local time. Finally, it is free of charge and designed to give a voice to everyone everywhere!
Welcome to GARD!

Whatever your disciplinary field, you have a place in GARD. To join is free; contact or fill out this form. 

Connect with us! Join our slack workspace

Please email if you would like to volunteer for the organization of the 2024 Symposium

 GARD-related Peer-reviewed Journal Publications


MSU researcher plays role in reducing TB deaths by 95 percent by 2035

MSU BAE and MSU Today: GARD Innovation Forum: Bridging Technologies and Market Needs

International Blog: 

GARD was founded by Dr. Evangelyn C. Alocilja in 2016 after seeing the need for affordable and accessible diagnostic technologies in resoure-limited populations.

 If interested in becoming a member, please contact Dr. Evangelyn Alocilja at