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GARD-Borlaug and Scientific Exchange Fellowship Alumni (BEFA)

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Borlaug and Scientific Exchange Fellowship Alumni (BEFA)


Purpose: Networking forum for USDA-FAS International Fellows (Borlaug, Scientific Exchange, Cochran, and others)

Activities: Networking, fellows forum, and short courses to support fellows achieve their short- and long-term fellowship goals in their countries.

Who may join? Borlaug fellows, Scientific Exchange Program (SEP) fellows, and other fellows


Members by Country:


Dr. Meriem Djellouli, DVM, MSc, Ph.D. candidate, Head of Parasitology and Histopathology Service, Regional Veterinary Laboratory El Oued of National Institute of Veterinary Medicine, BP 250 poste 460 lgts, Ouargla, 30000 Algeria, USDA-Borlaug Fellow 2022

Dr. Sara Bensaid, DVM, MSc, Veterinary Inspector, Ministry of Agriculture of Algeria, Bejaïa, Algeria, USDA-Borlaug Fellow 2022

Dr. Hayette Bouzeraa, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Tebessa, Algeria, USDA-Borlaug Fellow 2022

Dr. Mohammed Hocine Benaissa, DVM, Ms, PhD, Research Director, Scientific and Technical Research Center for Arid Areas, Touggourt, Touggourt, Algeria, USDA-Borlaug Fellow 2014


Dr. Abeer Aburumman, Ph.D., Head, Department of Molecular Biology, National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), Amman, Al-Baqa, Rajab Al-Selebi street, opposite the Satellite Station, Building No. 2, 19381, P.O. Box 639, Jordan, USDA-Borlaug Fellow 2022


Dr. Benard Odhiambo Oloo, PhD, Lecturer of Food Science and Technology, Department of Dairy and Food Science and Technology, Egerton University, Kenya, Borlaug Fellow 2019

Dr. Wilton Mbinda, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Pwani University, P.O 195-80108, Kilifi, Kenya, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022

Ms. Florence Munguti, Officer In Charge, KEPHIS Plant Quarantine & Biosecurity Station, Nairobi, Kenya, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022

Dr. Moses Okoth Olum, MS-VM, Livestock Researcher, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO), Nairobi, Kenya, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022

Dr. Andrew Edewa, PhD, Director, Standards and SPS Measures at TradeMark Africa (TMA), Nairobi, Kenya, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022

Dr. Eunice Atieno Omondi, BVM-UON,MVEE-UON, State Department for Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Co-operatives, Private Bag, 00625, Kangemi, Nairobi, Kenya, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022


Dr. Ariel Vázquez Elorza, PhD, Researcher, Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, A.C., Av. Normalistas No. 800 Col. Colinas de la Normal C.P. 44270, Guadalajara, Jalisco, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022


Dr. Bentata Fatiha, PhD, Researcher and Head of Research and Developement in Rabat INRA, National Institute of Agronomic Research in Morocco, Avenue Mohamed Belarbi Alaoui, b.P: 6356 Rabat, Instituts Morocco, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022

Khadija Zouini, MSc, Phytosanitary inspector and head of the plant protection service, Tangier, ONSSA "The National Office of Food Safety", 78, Av. Med Ben Abdellah, CRRA, Tanger, Morocco, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022


Dr. Errol Balagan, MSc, VDM, Associate Professor, College of Veterinary Science and Medicine, Central Luzon State University, Munoz, Philippines, USDA-Borlaug Fellow 2022

Dr. Ravelina Velasco, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Central Luzon State University, Munoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, Borlaugh Fellow


Ms. Zena B. Mchomva, MSc, Project Administrator, Health for Animals and Livelihood Improvement (HALi) project, Sokoine University of Agriculture, P. O. Box 3000, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro, Tanzania, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022

Dr. Betty Waized, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Sokoine University of Agriculture, P.O.Box 3007, Morogoro, Tanzania, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022

Dr. Charles Mgeni, PhD, Senior Lecturer and coordinator of the Agricultural Policy Research Group, College of Economics and Business Studies, Sokoine University of Agriculture, P.O.Box 3007, Morogoro, Tanzania, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022

Mr. Luitfrid Peter Nnally, MSc, Senior Nutrition Research Scientist, Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre, Ministry of Health, Tanzania, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022

Dr. Emmanuel N.L. Mayenga BVM, MPH, Veterinary and Public Health Research Officer, Tanzania Veterinary Laboratory Agency, 131 Mandela Road, P. O. Box 9254, CVL, Temeke, 15487 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022

Mr. Sam Mbilu, Researcher, Sokoine University of Agriculture, P.O.Box 3007, Morogoro, Tanzania, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022


Ms. Intissar Zarrouk, Research Engineer, Laboratory of Forest Ecology, National Research Institute of Rural Engineering, Water and Forest-INGREF, Hedi El Karray El Menzah IV, 1004 Tunis, BP 10 Ariana 2080 Tunisia, USDA-SEP Fellow 2022



