
Description: This function is the C++ MEX file that performs continuous-wave calculations using the Fast Nearfield Method and Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE).


pressure = fnm_cw_sse(transducer, cg, medium, ndiv, f0);
pressure = fnm_cw_sse(transducer, cg, medium, ndiv, f0, dflag);
pressure = fnm_cw_sse(transducer, cg, medium, ndiv, f0, dflag, nthreads); 


Output Parameters


SSE calculations are about 4x as fast as standard calculations, but they are less accurate (on the order of 10 - 4) because single precision values are used.

Threading in FOCUS is implemented at the transducer level, meaning that single transducers will not benefit from this feature.

Specifying a number of threads larger than the number of CPU cores available will not result in a significant additional speed increase and may in fact result in slower speeds due to additional inter-thread communication overhead.