
Description: This function creates a cylindrical section array of rectangular transducers.


transducer = create_rect_curved_strip_array(nx, ny, width, height, kerf, r_curv); 


Output Parameters


The curve of cylinder is on the y axis, with elements rotated about the x axis. The center of the array is defined to be the center of the element anchoring the array. All coordinates are expressed in meters.

Transducer arrays used one-dimensional indexing prior to FOCUS version 0.332. One-dimensional indexing is still possible, though the indices may not match those used in older versions of FOCUS.

This function will use individual rectangular elements to model the curved array elements. More subelements will result in better curvature but will increase the calculation time.


% Set up the transducer array
width = 1e-3;
height = 10e-3;
kerf = 0.4e-3;
x_elements = 16;
y_elements = 5;
d = x_elements * (width+kerf); % Array aperture
focus_z = d*N;

xdcr_array = create_rect_curved_strip_array(x_elements, y_elements, width, height, kerf, focus_z);


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