The groundwater inventory and mapping project was developed because Public Act 148 (Michigan, Public Acts of 2003) required the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to create a "groundwater inventory and map" that includes eight specific products, a general requirement for a groundwater inventory, and a directive to make the map and inventory available to the public. The DEQ created a cooperative research team involving groundwater and mapping experts from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Michigan State University (MSU). The final maps and inventory items assembled to comply with P.A. 148 are provided in the technical report for this project that is available on the project web site (see link below). This web site is an important feature of this project. All the assembled data and analysis derived from the raw data are available on this site, in addition to the final maps required by the legislation. Although the inventory and map products provide a wealth of valuable new information processed from the compilation of existing data, decisions regarding specific groundwater uses require site-specific studies that go beyond the scope of this project (Lush, Reeves, and Miller, March 2006).

Note:  Please click on the following figures to obtain higher quality figures. 

Michigan County Map

Glacial Deposits - Estimated Yield


Glacial Deposits - Estimated Drawdown

Estimated Drawdown in Glacial Deposits Resulting from High-Capacity Well Pumpage

Bedrock Aquifers - Estimated Yield


Bedrock Aquifers - Estimated Drawdown

Estimated Recharge to Glacial Deposits

Estimated Depth to Water Table

Estimated Baseflow of Rivers


PA 177 Groundwater Use Conflicts for 2004 - 2005

Trout Lakes and Streams and Groundwater-dependent Resources from the Michigan NFI

Non-Agricultural Groundwater Use by Type

Reported Agricultural Water Use


Michigan Water Wells


Michigan Irrigation Wells


Michigan Type 1 Wells and Aquifer Test Locations


Michigan Oil & Gas and Bedrock Wells


Michigan Lakes

Michigan Drains

Michigan NHD Data and Streamflow Gauging Stations


Michigan Wetlands

Environmental Sites in Michigan


Michigan Underground Storage Tanks


Michigan Wellhead Protection Areas


Quaternary Geology of Michigan (Farrand and Bell, 1982a, 1982b)

Glacial Landsystems of Michigan

Log of Estimated equivalent horizontal hydraulic conductivity values for Glacial Deposits

Note:  This is based on Wellogic lithologies and the geometric mean estimated hydraulic conductivity for each lithology.

Log of Estimated equivalent vertical hydraulic conductivity values for Glacial Deposits

Note:  This is based on Wellogic lithologies and the geometric mean estimated hydraulic conductivity for each lithology.


Estimated Transmissivity for the Glacial Deposits of Michigan

Note:  Transmissivity is estimated using estimated hydraulic conductivity values for each lithology reported in the Wellogic database based on the landsystem for the well identified using the Glacial Landsystem map.

Estimated Groundwater Yield from the Glacial Deposits of Michigan

Estimated Transmissivity for the Bedrock Aquifers of Michigan

Estimated Yield of the Bedrock Aquifers of Michigan


Related links:

Groundwater Mapping Project Website:  http://gwmap.rsgis.msu.edu/

IGW Website:  http://www.egr.msu.edu/igw/