Mehmet with the poster in San Diego

CEE Hydrology poster "Managing and Protecting Michigan's Groundwater Resources: New Data Sources, Enabling Technologies, and Realtime Decision Support" won the Third Place at the National American Water Works Association (AWWA) "Fresh Ideas" Poster Competition held on June 15 in San Diego, California.

The poster was selected for the originality of the ideas, concepts and solutions presented, speaker's knowledge of the topic, use of visual aids, overall presentation, and relevancy to the drinking water industry. The poster was presented by graduate student Mehmet Oztan (right) and co-authored by graduate students Hassan Abbas, Yang Li, Adrian Zhou, Professors Huasheng Liao and Shu-Guang Li, and Richard Mandle, groundwater modeling specialist of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.

The CEE Hydrology poster was the First Place Winner at the AWWA Michigan "Fresh Ideas" Poster Contest held in February. The poster represented the AWWA Michigan Section at the national conference and was one of the 17 State "Fresh Ideas" Award winners participating in the national competition.

The research described in the poster was funded by the National Science Foundation and by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and Michigan State University through a jointly-funded Water Resources Partnership.

Click here to read the abstract of the poster:

An Image of the poster. The poster's full size is 4ft tall by 8ft wide. Sections 3, 4, 6 and 7 are blownup and shown below.
Section 3 of the poster.
Section 4 of the poster.
Section 6 of the poster

Section 7 of the poster.

Authors: Sitting (L to R) R. Mandle, M. Oztan, Dr. H. Liao, N. Zhou
Standing (L to R) Y. Li, H. Abbas, Dr. S. Li


Michigan State University (MSU) and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) have been engaged in a long-term project to improve Michigan’s ability to manage and protect its groundwater resources. The joint effort capitalizes on Michigan’s statewide integration of geographic, hydrologic, and geologic data and MSU’s methodological and technological innovations in groundwater modeling. This partnership has enabled real-time visual analysis of Michigan’s groundwater systems and drinking water aquifers virtually anywhere in state. The project has significant potential for reducing the cost of conducting groundwater management investigations and impacting program management practices on a statewide scale, especially with respect to source water protection.


Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
3546 Engineering Building, Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1226
Phone: (517) 355-5107; Fax: (517) 432-1827