Welcome to MSU BAWC

Research at the Broadband Access Wireless Communication (BAWC) Lab at MSU is rooted in signal processing and wireless communications, and expands interactively to interoperable wireless system design, wireless security, wireless networking. The BAWC Lab has both software and hardware platforms for wireless communication system design, implementation and networking. Moreover, taking brain as a communication network, we develop modeling and analysis theory and techniques to support different levels of brain analysis.

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Positions available!!! We are recruiting new PhD students for 2016 fall. Anyone who is interested, please email your CV, transcripts and a sample publication (if any) to Dr. Tongtong Li (tongli@egr.msu.edu).

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Yuan Liang passed his PhD thesis defense.


Yuan Liang passed his comprehensive exam.


Yu Zheng passed his qualifying exam (part B).


Zhe Wang passed his PhD thesis defense.


Yu Zheng passed his qualifying exam (part A).


Yuan Liang passed his qualifying exam (part B).


Ahmed Alahmadi passed his PhD thesis defense.

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