Mrs. Patton's Second Grade Class

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Dear Readers,

    Please take some time to enjoy our class book, The Adventures of Frog and Toad.  St. Martha's second grade students wrote and illustrated this book after we read Arnold Lobell's Frog and Toad Are Friends.  We had so much fun reading about Frog and Toad that we thought it would be fun to make up some of our own adventures.  Enjoy!

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 - Sarah J.

wpe1.gif (2411 bytes)          Barbecued Flies         wpe1.gif (2411 bytes)

   One Friday morning Toad woke up.  I think I will have barbecued flies today.  He went outside.  He went to Frog's house.  He told him the news. "Can I come?", said Frog.  "O.k.", said Toad.   "But how do we get Flies", asked Frog.  "I know", said Frog, "a claw". "No", said Toad, "a net". A net worked and then they ate.

                             - Tim

   When Toad woke up it was Valentine's Day!  Oh, no!   What will I do?  I do not have a present for Frog.  I know I will cook flies!  I know he likes barbecued ones!  I will get a box like a heart and put the flies in it.  I think I will dye the flies red. Now that I am done I can go to Frog's house.

                       - Sarah B.

   One day Frog invited Toad over to his house to have barbecued flies.  When Toad got there he found a bunch of flies.  "Go get a big jar and get the flies", shouted Frog.  When they got all the flies they took a fly swatter and swatted all the flies and cooked all the flies.  "Toad, go in the basement because I will do something weird to the flies".  When they were done they feasted.  But Toad said, "I do not like them". Then he took the last one and said "Did you put them on fire?" Frog said, "Yes". Then Toad ran out the door.

                 - Bryan K.

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                                      - Tim

 wpe4.gif (1703 bytes)       Playing Leap Frog     wpe5.gif (1692 bytes)

One day Frog and Toad went to a meadow to play Leap Frog.  "But I am not a Frog!, said Toad.  "Hmmmm", thought Frog.  "I will help you!", he said.  "Let's go to my house!", said Frog. So they did and when they got there Toad waited for three hours.  Then Frog explained what Leap Frog was about.  They went back to the meadow and played the game. The End.

                         - Austin

One day Toad said, "What a nice day to play leap frog." So he went to ask his friend, Frog.  "Frog would you like to play leap frog with me?"  "Sure", Frog said.  When they got to the meadow, Toad shouted, "Leap, Frog, Leap!"  "Toad", said Frog, "That is not how you play leap frog".  "How?, asked Toad.  "Like this", said Frog as he leaped. They had a great time playing leap frog.

                         - Hannah Kate

   One fine day Frog went for a walk and thought about what he wanted to do.  So he thought and thought and finally he got and idea.  He was going to ask Toad if he wanted to play Leap Frog at the pond.  So he went right to Toad's house.  When Frog reached Toad's house he went right in without knocking because the door was open.  "Hello", said Frog.  "Would you like to go to the pond and play leap frog?" "Well...", said Toad.  But, before he could finish, Frog said, "O.K. I'll meet you at the pond at 5:30".   Frog was out of sight then.  Toad was now worried because he did not know how to play Leap Frog, but he decided to go to the pond at 5:30 as he was told.  It was time to go to the pond.  Toad started to go on his way.  Toad got there and there was Frog dancing on a lily pad.  "Frog", shouted Toad.   "Oh", said Frog, "you're here."  "Now, lets play some Leap Frog."  "Well", Frog said, "Toad, I don't know how to play Leap Frog."  "You don't.  Oh well.  I'll teach you", said Frog.  "OK.", said Toad.  "I'd like that."  So the happy friends played Leap Frog in the pond.

                    - Brenna

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               - Brenna



wpe4.gif (1892 bytes) The Nightmare     wpe4.gif (1892 bytes)

   One day Frog and Toad went camping.  When they got to the campground they put up the tent.  Then they went to bed.  At night Toad started having a nightmare about ghosts.  Toad woke up.  Then Toad went back to sleep.   In the morning Toad woke up.  "Let's play a game," said Frog. "Ok", said Toad. "Let's play leap frog."  "Ok", said Frog.  They started to play leap frog. Then they went home.

                               - Rebecca

   One Halloween night Toad had a nightmare.  In the nightmare Toad thought that dead people rose on Halloween.  Toad went to Frog's house.  Toad asked Frog if he could sleep with him until Halloween is over.   Frog said it is o.k. if Toad sleeps with him.  Frog told Toad that people don't rise up on Halloween, After Halloween, Toad felt better.  He went to his own house.

                                    - David

   Once Toad and Frog were going to the park. They had lots of fun.   They went swimming and played tag and hide-and-go-seek.  "It's getting dark", said Frog.  "Let's go home."  Can you sleep over?", said Toad.  "Sure, but I will have to get my things", said Frog. They both went to Toad's house and watched a video about a ghost who lived in a haunted house.   "I'm getting tired", said Frog.  "Let's go to bed".   "O.K.", said Toad.  "Good-night", said Toad.   "Good night", said Frog.  Then Toad had a nightmare!  There were ghosts, mummies and monsters.  Toad woke up Frog.  "Frog, Frog, a monster is after me!"  "What's the matter", said Frog.  "I'm scared", said Toad.  "It's not real.  It's just pretend", said Frog. "Oh!", said Toad.  "I thought it was real, but thanks anyway".  They both went back to sleep and sweet dreams.

                                  - Sarah J.

   Frog and Toad are sitting at home thinking about something to do.  Toad said, "Frog, do you want to go to a campground?"   "Sure", said Frog.  "We have to pack our clothes and get our tent."  Then they were there by night time. They set up their tent. Toad said, "I am tired."  "Ok", said Frog.  Frog got the tent ready and then they put their sleeping bag down and went to sleep.  When Frog got in his sleeping bag he saw Toad shaking.  Frog got the cooler.  He got water and poured it over Toad's head.  Toad woke up.  Toad said, "I had a night mare", and then he said, "I want to stay up all night."  Frog and Toad played games all night.

                                       - Patrick




   One day Toad and Frog were playing tag.  Then they saw a castle.  It was big.  They went in the castle.  Toad thought he saw a ghost.  Toad said, "I'm scared of g-g-g-ghosts".  He went home when it was dark.  Toad could not sleep, but Frog could sleep.  Toad went to Frog's house and said I'm scared of ghosts. Frog and Toad went to the castle and saw that there weren't any ghosts in the castle.  Toad felt better.

                                   - Nikki

   One day Frog and Toad were playing together.  They were having fun.  Toad was getting tired.  Toad went inside.  He went to bed at 9:39 p.m. Then he went to sleep.  A monster jumped out and woke him up.  It was a nightmare.





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- Nikki

   One day Frog was going to sleep and a monster jumped up. Frog was so scared that it was morning, he wouldn't come out of his bedroom.  Toad knocked on his bedroom door and he said, "What's the matter?"  "Last night a monster jumped out and I was scared.  Then it went away."  "Did you have a nightmare?"  "I don't know."  Now, it's time to go to bed", said Frog.  So Toad got back on his costume and this time Frog saw Toad because his stomach was sticking out.  Frog said, "Is that you?" Toad said, "Yes, I'm sorry I scared you".  They lived happily ever after.


   One night Toad went to bed and had a nightmare.  Here's what he dreamed: a swarm of hornets and one big hornet were chasing him!  Then the big hornet caught him and flew away!  Toad woke up.  He ran to Frog's house.   He opened the door with a bang!  Frog woke up and said "What's going on?"  Toad told him his dream.  Frog said, "Why don't you sleep with me?"  Toad said, "OK".  Toad felt good.

                                 - Michael



   One night Toad went to bed.  He fell asleep he started to have a nightmare.  This is what happened:  a monster was running after Toad.   The monster had sharp teeth with blood dripping from his teeth.  That frightened Toad.  Toad ran from the monster!  He hid under his covers, shivering and shivering, hoping the monster would not find him.  The next day Toad woke up.   He ran to Frog's house.  He told Frog about his nightmare.   "Ahh", said Frog.  "You need to sleep with your stuffed toad".  "Ok", said Toad.  Toad went home.  He looked for his stuffed toad.  Then he found it.  Toad slept with his stuffed toad forever.

                                  - Hannah




   "Let's go camping!", said Toad.   "O.K.", said Frog, who was just getting up.  "I mean do we have to?", asked Frog.  "Yes, we have to Frog!", said Toad.  "I'll go get the tent.", said Frog.  "Lets go!", said Toad.  "I am ready", said Toad.  "I am also", said Frog.  "Here we go!", said Toad.  Frog and Toad went up to the pond to camp and set up their tent.  "Now let's go to bed", said Frog. O.K.", said Toad.  They slept for an hour.  Toad woke up and woke up Frog because Toad had a nightmare.   It was about a ghost and the ghost attacked Toad.  Frog was cranky.   Would you like to be awakened in the night?  No, you wouldn't.  Frog told Toad that he was acting like a baby and told him he was going home if he did this any more.  Toad didn't want to be all alone in the night so he went to bed and his nightmare was over.

                                       - Jeanie

   It was the night before Halloween.  Frog was asleep but Toad was too excited to sleep.  Finally he went to sleep.  He was starting to have a nightmare.  The nightmare had pounding on his door.  The things that were pounding were vampires.  They broke down the door and Toad woke up. "Its Halloween" cried Toad.

                   - Jenny (Genevieve)

   One night when Toad was asleep he had a nightmare.  He woke up and ran to Frog's house.  He knocked on the door, which woke up Frog. He came down and opened the door.  Toad asked if he could come in.  Frog said, "Yes.  Toad came in and stayed up all night.  The next night the nightmare was gone. 

                                          - Ricky

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